Naktala Udayan Sangha's Animated Durga

Naktala Udayan Sangha is one of the prominent Puja in South Kolkata and is best known for its innovative themes.  This year also it was no exception.

The nearest metro is Masterda Surya Sen (Basdroni) which is about 15 mins walk from the Pandal. One can also get down at Gitanjali which is also 15mins away from the pandal. It is better to walk as it can get really crowded with visitors. You can also get many buses from Garia More

This year Naktala Udayan Sangha's pandal concept was based on life and death.They have used some brilliant lighting techniques to show the entire Pandal on fire with also burning sound being produced. On entering the pandal one can hear the heartbeat and the music which really creates a very chilling feel. Once I entered the main Pandal I got the glimpse of Durga.

They have used the projection technique to show the concept of life and death with an animated Durga idol using 3d projection and lighting effects. In one moment Durga Idol becomes White and then turns red and in next moment it was colourless.

Naktala Udaya Sangha 3D Durga

Here is a video of the Pandal.
